1,000 Productivity Ideas Reached

The 2023 - 2028 Philippine Development Plan has mentioned the need for the public sector to increase productivity and support innovation efforts in the country. The Development Academy of the Philippines, through its Center of Excellence on Public Sector Productivity (DAP-COE-PSP), is committed to contribute in raising the productivity performance of government agencies and offices by launching the Productivity Challenge Program. This multi-year project intends to foster awareness and boost the productivity and innovativeness of public sector organizations in the Philippines.

In February 2023, the DAP COE-PSP started to invite National Government Agencies (NGAs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Bureaus, and attached agencies to participate in the first productivity challenge, the 2023 Productivity Spark: 1,000 Ideas to Productivity.

Public sector employees were encouraged to submit ideas that would improve the government's efficiency and effectiveness in delivering quality services.

The awareness-raising efforts of DAP were further intensified through the conduct of the Productivity Challenge Workshop: Discovering and Designing Productivity Solutions, which ran from May until September 2023 in areas of Manila, Baguio, Pampanga, General Santos, Davao, and Cagayan De Oro. Through this workshop, participants from the public sector had the opportunity to understand essential tools for discovering productivity gaps and learned to use different techniques to design and ideate solutions to address productivity problems.
Agency-specific workshops have also been given to four (4) agencies: Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewage System (MWSS), National Transmission Corporation (TRANSCO) and Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU), which also contributed to the completion of this year's 1,000 goal.
Government agencies that participated the most and public-sector employees who have submitted outstanding entries were recognized during the 2023 Conference on Public-Sector Productivity held in Savoy Hotel Manila last 5 December 2023.
Most Participative Agency

Third Place
Department of Social Welfare and Development

Second Place
Department of Science and Technology

First Place
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Outstanding Idea for Productivity

Special Citation


Third Place
Cecile G. Dangawen
University of the Philippines – Baguio
“Shop Here for a Procurement-Ready Request - Do it the First Time!”

Third Place
Farrah Marie P. Separa-Erazo
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
"All-In-OnEnvelop Solution"

Second Place
John Kenneth P. Soratio
Department of Science and Technology - Central Luzon
“Tech Reseta (Tech Rx)”

First Place
Marites P. Javate
Department of Social Welfare and Development
"TIPP -DoS (Technology Integration and People’s Participation in the Conduct of Assessment of the Level of Well-Being of Pantawid Households: A Do-It-Self-Assessment Mechanism"
We are welcoming the second challenge this year! The 2024 Fastbreak: 100K Transaction Hours Reduced encourages government agencies and offices to reassess, reinvent, and tailor their service delivery time to seamlessly meet citizen demands and needs. Those who need assistance in enrolling their services may avail of workshops to be held between February and June 2024.

In addition, a crowdsourcing initiative is now open to private individuals. They may participate in the challenge by sending innovative ideas addressing bottlenecks in government services.
For inquiries on how to participate in this challenge, you may email productivitychallenge@dap.edu.ph.

Republic Of The Philippines

All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.


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