Tech Reseta (Tech Rx)

Delay, Waiting, Process improvement, Digitalization (paperless system, environment-friendly initiatives, etc.)

Tech Reseta (Tech Rx) is a proposed digital solution aimed at improving the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) process for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Currently, TNA encounters delays due to lack of expertise, logistical challenges, and inaccurate client data, often extending the process beyond 30 days. Tech Rx, part of the SETUP Level Up initiative, will be a one-stop app where clients can input production challenges and relevant data. The app will analyze this information and recommend suitable technologies, suppliers, and trial facilities. This digital approach is expected to cut assessment time by 30%, reduce logistical costs, and streamline processes like supplier sourcing and refund schedules, saving up to PHP 24,000 annually in travel expenses.

The purpose of conducting a technology needs assessment (TNA) is to assist micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in identifying their technology requirements and potential solutions. Conducting a TNA can encounter several productivity problems and challenges. The processing time is too long from when the client applied for the program, sometimes taking more than the prescribed 30 days. Several factors contribute to this, such as lack of the required expertise, logistical concerns, accuracy of data provided by the clients, and availability of the appropriate technology needed.

How might we improve the technology application and identification process to ensure client satisfaction?

A component of the SETUP Level Up productivity improvement initiative, Tech Reseta (Tech Rx) aims to be a one-stop app for the Technology Needs Assessment initial stages. Clients will log in to the app to input their current production problems with the corresponding details, such as production volume, gross sales, etc. The app will crunch the data entered and recommend the appropriate technology, possible suppliers, DOST facility where it can be trialed, optimal refund mechanism, etc. The TNA team will then validate this, which will be the latter stage of the assessment.

Developing the Tech Rx app can reduce the duration of the technology assessment application and identification process by around 30%. If properly used, logistics expenses will be reduced. Travel within a 50 km radius will require utilizing an office vehicle with a 9 km/liter fuel economy. Considering an estimated PHP 60.00/li diesel fuel, the office can save an average of PHP330.00 per travel. With an estimate of 6 TNAs per month, that will be around PHP 2000 per month, PHP 24,000.00 annually. It will also streamline other processes, such as the sourcing out of suppliers and identifying optimal refund schedules.
Name: John Kenneth Soratio
Position: Science Research Specialist (SRS) II
Agency: Department of Science and Technology - Central Luzon
Address: Capitol Compound, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Republic Of The Philippines

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